Join a ministry within New Life Church

New Life Church has various ministries (or departments).

There is no better way to grow spiritually or invest in the life of others than joining a church ministry. You are most welcome to join any of the ministries within New Life Church and develop you spiritual gifts and practical skills for the benefit of the body of Christ. 

To join any of the ministries below, fill in and submit a Ministry Team Application Form. And for more information, contact the church office:

Discover our ministries

The welcome team is a group of men and women dedicated to serving God and the church by providing setup and hospitality on a Sunday Morning. We are among the first ones there on Sunday mornings to greet as well as usher people to their seats, and often among the last to leave after the service ends. We take joy in knowing that we are blessing God by providing an atmosphere where people feel welcomed and loved, and worshiping him with our service.

In addition to setting up decorations and refreshments prior to the service, we also prepare serve communion and usher people to their seats once the service is due to begin, as well as during. Outside of Sunday Morning duties, members of the team may also be assigned to provide hospitality support at various events or conferences the church may hold during the year.

How to join: Following your application via the church office, initial training is offered to support you as you step into the role. You will then be added to the rota for Sunday Mornings and other events.

Covid-19 Update: During this season, our team will support our blended services (mix of online live-stream and pre-registered attendees) by helping to usher people attending on Sunday morning , and provide in-service assistance on our safety regulations during our services (eg. ensuring members are wearing face coverings and maintaining social distance)

As the New Life Worship team we want to inspire people to freely and truthfully worship God; to welcome His presence through music and song, and to have faith and belief for miracles to occur each time we worship. Most importantly, we exist to facilitate an encounter with God that draws people to receive His wonderful gift of salvation.

As well as leading worship as on a Sunday morning, the team is also involved in providing worship at mid-week events such as ‘The Move’ prayer meetings, Baptism services, and Inspire Leadership training days. Team members also have the opportunity to take part in worship concerts and musical events that take place throughout the year including the church’s Audience of One event, our annual Christmas and Easter productions, and others. We rehearse weekly for Sunday and occasionally run evening workshops to help team members wishing to expand their skills, as well as enjoy a bit of a jam a bit together.

How to join: Following your application via the church office, you will do a 4 week probation period that is designed to allow you to meet the team, take part in our practices and set-up, and demonstrate your commitment to be involved. Once complete, you will then be added to the rota for Sunday mornings and other events.

Covid-19 Update: During this season, we are operating a stripped back line-up across both the band and vocalists in order to adhere to the social distancing guidelines in place. Nonetheless, there are still great ways to get involved – and we would encourage anyone with a musical gifting and heart of worship to get involved.

As New Life Gospel Choir we aim to bless our church and community by sharing the gospel message through music and corporate song. We musically declare psalms, hymns and songs with joyful hearts and we encourage members to engage in the community spirit that is choral singing.

The Choir meets weekly to rehearse and leads worship at least once a month on a Sunday morning. In addition to this, our heart for outreach means that a large majority of our engagements are outside of a Sunday morning. In recent years this includes ministering at care homes, Weddings, Christian conferences and others. We also take part in annual worship events throughout the year including the church’s Audience of One event and our annual Christmas and Easter productions.

How to join: Following your application via the church office, you will do a 4 week probation period that is designed to allow you to meet the team, take part in our rehearsals, and demonstrate your commitment to be involved. Once complete, you will join us for Sunday morning ministration and other events.

Covid-19 Update: During this season, though we are unable to meet physically, we are planning on working on a fun and challenging ‘virtual choir’ project So we hope that anyone with a heart for choral singing or who wants to discover what it is like, will still get involved.

The Media Team is passionate about creating engaging content to an excellent and motivating standard that glorifies God and enables both those within and outside the church to encounter all God is doing through the various ministries provided by New Life Church.

From providing the tech support behind our services live stream, creating backing tracks for worship and managing our social networks, to creating posters, infographics and animations for church activities and events – there is a wide range of activity that we are involved with! We are always on the lookout for new members to join us, to help us improve in our work, to expand our skills, and to help us spread the message of the Gospel of Christ.

How to join: Following your application via the church office, the ministry leader will get touch with you so you can get to know eachother, and plan for how you can get involved with the team.

A lot of work goes on behind the scenes to ensure that all relevant information is received, processed and communicated to the church as well as exterior networks and that all scheduled events run like clock work.

As a biblically listed Spiritual gift, Administration plays an integral part in enabling the church to accomplish its God given mandate by facilitating opportunities for the church to congregate in fellowship to be empowered for ministry to the community as well as facilitating for those coming in who don’t know Jesus as Lord to experience an environment where they can meet with God and be encouraged in their journey of love and faith in Him.

Part of your role will include data entry and processing, emailing the relevant weekly communication to respective parties, helping organize key events and maintaining the church websites among other task required within the office.

How to join: Following your application via the church office, the office manager will get touch with you to let you know what hours are available, provide any training needed and plan for how you can get involved with the team.

The primary purpose of the prayer ministry team is to minister healing prayer to individuals attending meetings, services or events of New Life Church. Team members are on duty during our Sunday Mornings services, where prayer support is announced and made available to anyone after the service. In times when the need exceeds those rotated on duty, the whole team should be ready to minister. 

In addition to Sunday morning prayer, the team is also responsible for ‘The Move’, our Friday Prayer nights that take place on the 1st and 2nd Friday of every month. Named ‘The Move’ to describe the privileged experience we have of witnessing and being part of the Move of God in our lives and community it is a night of worship and prayer. Team members on duty will lead and encourage the corporate prayer during these evenings. We also run larger events called ‘Half Night of Prayer’ which run from early evening until midnight. These take place almost every term and run in a similar fashion to ‘The Move’ but on an extended format.

How to join: Following your application via the church office, initial training is offered to support you as you step into the role. You will then be added to the rota for Sunday mornings and other events.

Covid-19 Update: During this season, our prayer meetings, Friday night prayers and ‘Half Night of Prayer’ events will take place virtually via Zoom. Sunday morning services take place online, and where prayer requests are submitted you may be contacted to prayer for items raised or people who ask to be contacted to be prayed with over the phone.

Our Lord Jesus is passionate about people and so are we. As the Mission Team, our aim is to impact our community with the Love and power of Jesus. Our desire is to reach out and be a blessing to people of our community and we take every opportunity to act on this.

We support many local and international ministries and organise mission trips every year. Some of our past international mission trips have included a trips to Gibraltar, Germany and Ghana, where we worked with local churches, organisations and Christian locals to provide practical support, supportive encouragement and ministry by shared worship and teaching of the Word of God.

Within our local area we remain committed to providing financial support, and encouraging members to be involved with initiatives that meet the needs of the community.

How to join: Following your application via the church office, the ministry leader will get touch with you so you can get to know each other, and plan for how you can get involved with the team.

Covid-19 Update: During this season the Mission Team are continuing to seek ways to support and reach out with the gospel message to our communities. This includes working with our other ministries to initiate activities such as food collections for the vulnerable and prayer lines for non-christians who may be searching for support in this way.

New Life Church values children as an important part of the Body of Christ. Children aged between 3 and 10 years are invited to join Praisers. The children are placed into one of our three groups, Baby Praisers (age 0-2), Tiny Treasures (age 3-5) and Bible Builders (age 6-10). The groups meet during the church service to look at the word of God in an age appropriate way.

Through Praisers we hope that each child will develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by freely exploring his teachings in a fun and safe environment. As well as Sunday meetings we also encourage church families to fellowship together through a variety of social events throughout the year.

How to join: Following your application via the church office, initial training is offered to support you as you step into the role. You will then be required to have a DBS check, payed for by the church, as necessary for working with children. Once these are complete, you will then be added to the rota for Sunday mornings.

Covid-19 Update: During this season, our Junior Praisers and Senior Praisers team members are holding virtual sessions for the children via Zoom every Sunday morning before the service. 

CRE8IVE Youth is the Youth Ministry at New Life Church. At CRE8IVE Youth, we want to see secondary-school age youth (11 – 18) experience first hand the dynamic and creative power of God that’s accessible to them through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 

The Youth are placed in either our 11-14’s or 15-18’s groups. Our goal is to encourage creative expression in our regular Sunday morning sessions as well as in various social, sporting and artistic platforms we provide for the Youth to worship God with their gifts and abilities. We also believe discipleship and evangelism is key so we are here to help the Youth ‘Reach Out as a Blessing’ in whatever context they find themselves.

How to join: Following your application via the church office, initial training is offered to support you as you step into the role. You will then be required to have a DBS check, payed for by the church, as necessary for working with young people. Once these are complete, you will then be added to the rota of our activities.

Covid-19 Update: During this season CRE8IVE Youth team members are holding regular virtual catch-ups with our Youth via Zoom, Hangouts and other social media platforms. 

Our ladies ministry is called Daughters of Destiny and our aim is to support and encourage all ladies in growing & thriving in their God given destiny. We like to keep things real and cater to women (18+) of all ages and stages of life.

Along side teaching seminars and workshops, we encourage women to take care of their physical and mental health, and events like our ‘River Strollers’ allows for relaxed atmosphere where we can encourage each other and share life as we talk and walk in the beauty of Gods nature. We also run a series of social events – these include our ‘Sip & Paint’ tea parties, Pyjama/Onesie nights, and holiday craft workshops. As well as a bit of fun, its about giving room for women to foster real friendships with each other.

A key mission of Daughters of Destiny is to see women loving the word of God and learning how to apply it to their lives. We host mini-conferences during the year where women come together to hear great teaching and engage in biblical discussion on topics central to womanhood. We also host an annual ‘Ladies Weekend Away’, where women step away from the day-to-day of life for 2 days of dynamic teaching, round-table discussion, fun and enriching activity – and where possible a bit of spa pampering too!

How to join: Following your application via the church office, the ministry leader will get touch with you so you can get to know each other, and plan for how you can get involved with the team.

Covid-19 Update: During this season Daughters of Destiny are hosting regular virtual events via Zoom as well as outdoor events within guideline allowances.

Men of Integrity is a ministry which seeks to understand issues that affect men, to enter into their world with the aim of trying to help them address challenges unique to them. We believe that iron sharpens iron – that one man sharpens another, that we thrive when we learn from, and are challenged and encouraged by, each other – and we want to see men’s lives changed and transformed in this way.

Our activities are open to all men (18+) and we aim to connect men to a personal relationship with Jesus and with their fellow men, to encourage them to effectively participate in the affairs of the Church, and to be involved in activities which benefit local communities.

We organise regular ‘breakfast meetings’ to provide an opportunity for fellowship/socialising, learning, serving, are a source of spiritual support, accountability, encouragement, challenge, strength – and they contribute to the building of healthy brotherly relationships. We also host ‘discussion forums where we seek to engage men in discussions/debates on significant issues which impact men; they are a place for men-to-men conversations.

How to join: Following your application via the church office, the ministry leader will get touch with you so you can get to know each other, and plan for how you can get involved with the team.

Covid-19 Update: During this season Men of Integrity are hosting regular virtual catch-ups with via Zoom as well as outdoor events within guideline allowances.

Not sure what ministry to Join?

Get in touch with our team and we would be happy to pray and explore your spiritual gifts, skills, ambitions and callings that God has put on your life to help determine what ministry is best suited for you.

Contact us