Please use our events calendar below to view upcoming events and details of how to take part. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office at
Water Baptism Service
Tuesday, 19th November at 6:30 pm
There will be a water baptism service on Tuesday, 19th November at 6:30pm at the St. Andrews United Reformed Church, Watling Street, CT1 2UA. Please email the office at or sign up after the Sunday service if you’d like to be baptised
Sip and Paint Tea Party – Women’s Ministry
Saturday, 23rd November at 10:30 am
Sip & Paint* _Building Creativity & Connection_
Join in & enjoy the opportunity to build relationships with fellow sisters in Christ through a fun and creative painting session!
Just as God created us with delight & intention, we will enjoy getting creative while connecting with one another. *Psalm 139:14*– _“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”_
*Register & join:*
Outreach Week
Mon. 25th November- Sun. 1st December ,2024
Our Outreach week this year will be coming up between Monday, 25th November to Sunday, 1st December, and Sunday 10th of December. Families, individuals, and connect groups are encouraged to reach out to be a blessing to our community by supporting the charities around us.
The charities we support include:
1. Catching Lives homeless shelter
2. Porchlight homeless shelter
3. Canterbury Food Bank
4. Community outreach
Connect groups, families, and individuals can choose one of these charities and make donations to support them this Christmas season.
The list of items to donate includes:
Non-perishable food items ( cereals, cookies, canned foods, long-life milk, beverages, noodles, sugar, rice, cooking oil, food- seasonings, etc.),toys, shoes, clothing ( decent clothes, jackets, socks, blankets, etc.), toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush, bathing/laundry soap, sanitary towels – no sharp objects, please)
God bless you as you show the love of Jesus to others around us this Christmas season.
Christmas Ball
Friday, 6th December
Our annual Christmas Ball will be coming up on Friday, 6th December at the Hub, unit 16b-c, Roper Close, CT2 7EP . This promises to be another spectacular event for everyone! Please save the date! Tickets to the Christmas ball will be available soon. You can email the office at to book your ticket in advance and get an early bird discount. We are looking forward to it!
Christmas Production
Sunday, 8th December
It is that season of the year again! Join us on Sunday, 8th December as we commemorate and celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. The Christmas production will be held at 11 am in the Woolf Lecture Theatre. Come and let us celebrate the season together.
Kingdom Kids and Worship Team Social
Come and join us at the joint Christmas Social with the music ministry. It’s a time for us to bond, laugh, and play some games. We would love it if you could make it.
Don’t forget it’s a “Bring & Share” event, so I will be looking forward to having some of your yummy foods.
Kingdom Kids
Come and join as we head into the Christmas Season with our kids Christmas party. We have have an entertainer coming so be sure not miss out on all thew fun.
Here is our calendar of events. Click on a date to see the events available and contact us to get involved.
© New Life Church Canterbury
An Assemblies of God (AOG) church